Custom 404 page in Hugo on Netlify
Published Sep 7, 2019
Reading time 1 minutes
Step One: Create your custom 404 page
To serve a custom 404 page, it needs be in the root directory of the site. Create a 404.html page in your layout
directory so when the site is built, it’s in the correct location.
- layout
- 404.html
Style it up however you like! Here’s a basic template:
{{ define "main"}}
<main id="main">
<h1 style="text-align: center">Page not found</h1>
<h2 style="text-align: center">
<a href="{{ "/" | relURL }}">back home</a>
{{ end }}
To see what it looks like in the browser when running the site locally, navigate to /404.html
from your localhost url.
Step Two: Set your redirect rule for Netlify
For Netlify to know where to redirect 404’s to, set this redirect rule in your netlify.toml
from = "/*"
to = "/404.html"
status = 404
See the Netlify redirect documentation for more information and examples of custom redirects.
Voilà 🎉
Push your changes and type random nonsense to the end of your sites url and see it live in action!